- Stat115
- Difficulty: mid
- environment outdoor
- PlaceVolcano
- Citizen of The Broodling Grounds4:+4 Resistance, +10 Sleaze
- 7:
- Wanderers ✓ Overdrunk ✗
- Attack:85
- Defence: 76
- HP: 85
- Phylum:demon
- Element:
- Initiative:85
Disarm ✗ Entangle ✗ Strangle ✓El Vibrato restraints ✗Hogtie ✗Reanimated Reanimator- headmeat drop bonus
Everfull Dart Holster- headdecrease defence
- tailgain mysticality
- Attack:[150*1.385^pref(_sealScreeches)]
- Defence: [150*1.385^pref(_sealScreeches)]
- HP: 150
- Phylum:demon
- Element:
- Initiative:[150*1.385^pref(_sealScreeches)]
Disarm ✗ Entangle ✗ Strangle ✓El Vibrato restraints ✗Hogtie ✗Reanimated Reanimator- headmeat drop bonus
Everfull Dart Holster- headdecrease defence
- tailgain mysticality