- Stat50
- Difficulty: unknown
- environment indoor
- Placeplains
- Citizen of The Spectral Pickle Factory7:+50% Initiative, +10 Hot, 10-15 MP Regen
- 1:Mys +10
- Wanderers ✓ Overdrunk ✗
- Attack:200
- Defence: 180
- HP: 180
- Phylum:beast
- Element:
- Initiative:70
Disarm ✗ Entangle ✗ Strangle ✓El Vibrato restraints ✗Hogtie ✗Reanimated Reanimator- headmeat drop bonus
Everfull Dart Holster- headdecrease defence
- tailgain mysticality
- Attack:200
- Defence: 180
- HP: 180
- Phylum:undead
- Element:spooky
- Initiative:70
Disarm ✓ Entangle ✓ Strangle ✓El Vibrato restraints ✓Hogtie ✓Reanimated Reanimator- armattacks
- headmeat drop bonus
- legitem drop bonus
Everfull Dart Holster- armgain moxie
- headdecrease defence
- legdecrease defence
- torsomeat drop bonus
- Attack:200
- Defence: 180
- HP: 180
- Phylum:plant
- Element:
- Initiative:70
Disarm ✗ Entangle ✗ Strangle ✓El Vibrato restraints ✗Hogtie ✗Reanimated Reanimator- headmeat drop bonus
Everfull Dart Holster- headdecrease defence
- stemgain mysticality