  • Attack:30
  • Defence: 30
  • HP: 30
  • Phylum:bug
  • Element:
  • Initiative:-10000
Disarm Entangle Strangle
El Vibrato restraints
    • Stat0
    • Difficulty: unknown
    • environment none
    • PlaceSpelunky Area
    • Citizen of The Jungle
      5:+2 Resistance, +10 Spooky, 10-15 MP Regen
    • 2:Mox +10
    • Wanderers Overdrunk
    • Stat0
    • Difficulty: unknown
    • environment none
    • PlaceSpelunky Area
    • Citizen of The Beehive
      2:+50% Meat, +10 Hot
    • 0:
    • Wanderers Overdrunk