- Attack:
- Defence:
- HP: 35
- Phylum:dude
- Element:
- Initiative:-10000
Disarm β
Entangle β
Strangle β
El Vibrato restraints β
Hogtie β
- Stat0
- Difficulty: unknown
- environment none
- PlaceIndustrial District (High Crime)
- Citizen of Gotpork Clock, Inc.0:+30% Item, +10 Spooky
- 2:Mox +10
- Wanderers β Overdrunk β
- Stat0
- Difficulty: unknown
- environment none
- PlaceIndustrial District (High Crime)
- Citizen of Gotpork Foundry1:+15% Item, +25% Meat, +10 Stench
- 3:Mus +10%
- Wanderers β Overdrunk β
- Stat0
- Difficulty: unknown
- environment none
- PlaceIndustrial District (High Crime)
- Citizen of Trivial Pursuits, LLC2:+50% Meat, +10 Hot
- 4:Mys +10%
- Wanderers β Overdrunk β