Sorority Operator
  • Attack:185
  • Defence: 162
  • HP: 200
  • Phylum:orc
  • Element:sleaze
  • Initiative:80
Disarm Entangle Strangle
El Vibrato restraints
Reanimated Reanimator
  • arm
  • head
    meat drop bonus
  • leg
    item drop bonus
Everfull Dart Holster
  • arm
    gain moxie
  • head
    decrease defence
  • leg
    decrease defence
  • torso
    meat drop bonus
    • Stat180
    • Difficulty: high
    • environment outdoor
    • PlaceIsleWar
    • Citizen of The Battlefield (Hippy Uniform)
      0:+30% Item, +10 Spooky
    • 5:Mox +10%
    • Wanderers Overdrunk
  • Condition: $outfit!=33
    • Stat0
    • Difficulty: unknown
    • environment outdoor
    • PlaceExploathing
    • Citizen of The Exploaded Battlefield
      3:+25% Meat, +2 Resistance, +10 Cold
    • 2:Mox +10
    • Wanderers Overdrunk